What I would like to share with my Class of '66 classmates?
1966! Who can remember back that far???
Paul ('64 AHS grad) and I have had a wonderful ride. We have two wonderful daughters. Kim, a Purdue University grad and Angie, an Indiana University grad. This made for some very interesting dinner conversation. Notorious Indiana rivals.
Paul went on to get his MBA (He'll never take the time to tell you this stuff.) and worked in industry and then in his true calling - the options market, where he continues to do very well.
Me? I worked for a not-for-profit organization for 30 years. Loved it and retired in 2009. I had a wonderful time helping people. Now I spend most of my time reading and doing research re my family genealogy and history. I luuuuve history!!!
I have taken two trips to Honduras, as a volunteer for VOSH (Volunteer Optometrics Serving Humanity), an organization that provides examinations and appropriate glasses to third world countries. In 2007 Paul and I volunteered to serve on a VOSH mission to Kenya. After helping approximately 3,000 Africans with their eyesight, we had a week to visit Mount Kenya, the African plains, rivers, animals and jungle. What an experience! This was a trip of a lifetime!